I) The general purpose of the Company is the protection of the environment, the response to climate change, the promotion of sustainable development, culture, arts, education and Lifelong learning.
II) The purposes of the Company, after the issuance of all any necessary legal licenses by the competent authorities, are specified in the following:
1) elaboration, formulation, promotion, presentation, publication and implementation of documented proposals and studies related to the triptych of sustainable development: environment, economy, society, with emphasis on indicative and not restrictive: a) biodiversity conservation, sustainable management resources and ecosystems, b) tackling climate change, fossil fuel dependence, switching to renewable energy sources, energy efficiency, energy saving, c) adapting to climate change, d) transition to sustainable economy, e) promoting social welfare and cohesion and f) improving the quality of life of citizens,
2) elaboration of studies and researches for the institutional, and legal framework of the environmental protection policies and their implementation or not in the country or elsewhere, even the formulation of proposals for the better implementation and the reform of the existing institutional and legal framework for the protection of the enviroment,
3) scientific research and participation in research projects related to the environment, climate change, sustainable development and other relevant such thematic units in Greece or abroad;
4) training of members of organizations and any natural person who expresses an interest in engaging in the purposes set out herein;
5) organization of conferences, workshops, seminars, events and lectures of educational content, reports regarding the field of responsibility and activity of the Agency, as well as the publication of studies and research related to the purposes of the Company;
6) organization of actions in order for bodies with similar to the Company purposes to come in contact with the public and to demonstrate their work and their action;
7) undertaking joint activities with other associations, organizations, bodies, public or private bodies and companies at local, regional, national and international level;
8) joint participation with educational institutions, educational organizations or any other interested party or even the sole creation of educational programs and training programs of the aspirations of the Agency listed here,
9) provision of advisory, educational and support services to existing organizations or associations of persons, regardless of legal form, public or private bodies and persons in general who intend and implement interventions related to the activities of the Agency;
10) provision of advisory and support services to organizations and associations of persons to be set up, regardless of the legal form pursued, having similar purposes to the Agency;
11) development of activities of collective and social benefit, such as the joint service of the needs of the members of the Company and its beneficiaries and of course the citizens of the country through the formation of equal production relations, the creation of stable and decent jobs, the reconciliation of the way living with the environment,
12) strengthening of the financial activities of the Company and subsequent maximization of the social benefit produced through the horizontal and equal networking of all the beneficiary Bodies and Organizations, but also its networking with other bodies throughout Greece and abroad,
13) organization of voluntary public benefit actions and interventions at local or national or international level, with the participation of members of the Agency and beneficiaries, whose main but not the sole purpose is the protection of the environment, the interconnection of beneficiaries with the local community, its empowerment development of social responsibility and active social action,
14) promoting creativity, innovation, new and traditional practices, techniques and technologies for environmental protection;
15) creation of a network of persons providing primary, secondary or tertiary education in the country or abroad in subjects related to the purposes of the Agency;
16) production and co-production, utilization and exploitation of television and other producers of audiovisual or music, radio, television, internet, cinema or other related types of producers, even internet platforms, with issues related to the activities of the Agency;
18) creation of an international network of organizations with similar purposes to this Agency, under a common auspices, as an international organization, and even networking of these bodies in all ways, even with an online communication platform, with the aim of disseminating positions, educational methodology, the practices of the Company, as well as the ideas it advocates and promotes,
19) formation and management of volunteer groups in Greece and abroad inspired by the purposes and principles of the Agency;
20) participation and development of human networks and solidarity institutions as well as participation in national and international humanitarian and development aid actions;
21) achieving cross-border cooperation and support of European or international institutions or bodies based on environmental protection, climate change, education, sustainable development, culture and any other form;
22) publishing and distributing to partners, members or the public, a magazine or other printed or other electronic material, on issues related to the purposes of the Agency.
23) encouraging Lifelong learning and research through international collaborations
24) promoting intercultural dialogue, the spirit of friendship and cooperation between countries and the exchange of good practices, through mobility programs.