About us

ROOTS was founded in the summer of 2021 in Drama (Greece) by a group of young scientists; focused on the environment, education, art and culture.

Our goal is to create a network of collaborations between institutions and individuals in order to promote our goals and vision.

Our main goals are: Environmental protection, tackling climate change, promoting sustainable development, alternative tourism, ecotourism, conducting research and education programs, promoting culture and the arts, education and training.

Our vision is the implementation of actions for the local community, the promotion of the uniqueness of our place, the self-discovery through action and the creation of closer relationships with our fellow human beings. Creating a common birthplace of ideas through democratic processes and respect for the voice of the other.

The program of activities includes excursions in nature, information on environmental problems and suggestions for improvement, educational programs, workshops, conferences and research programs on various topics related to the organization, as well as artistic activities to promote culture and self-expression. .

The team aims to create a large community with common characteristics of love for our place, the search for knowledge and development through action, play and teamwork with the use of innovative and experiential educational activities.

We are an open arms for welcoming new members and proposals.
Sapere aude, Im. Kant

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